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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Week 6: What’s all the fuss about collaboration?

Collaboration has become the theme of education within the past decade.  If you search “collaboration in the classroom” in the advanced feature of Google only in .edu domains, you will see a reoccurring theme-Multimedia and its direct effect on collaboration in the classroom.
We know the research says this is what we must have this student-centered talking in the classroom.  How can we as teachers facilitate collaboration in the 21st Century Classroom where the delivery has changed?
If you have a chance read an interesting study* on the connection of PLNs and Student Achievement here http://tinyurl.com/3mrnclm .
Post a comment on the Junkie Blog-discuss why you think collaboration begins with the teacher and planning?

Article: Teaming up: Linking Collaboration Networks, Collective Efficacy, and Student Achievement

Authors: Nienke M. Moolenaar, Peter J.C. Sleegers, & Alan J. Daly 

Retrieved, April 2011


Nancy Keck said...

It's interesting to reflect on the collaboration that goes on in my own school. One of our strongest grade levels is so, I think, due to their strong collaboration with each other. They plan together, support each other and bring each other to higher levels of achievement.

As a media specialist, it is critical for me to collaborate with the classroom teachers. Even if I do the same lesson with two classes, the students who benefit more are the ones in the class where the classroom teacher is also invested into what we are doing.

Sharon V said...

Collaboration allows for good things (lessons, projects, programs) to get better. Many teachers create great lessons, but they don't have the time or ideas to take them to another level. Working together with others brings ideas and resources together while also possibly re-energizing the project or participants. When you share the creation, many things are possible.

Unknown said...

Error: Unable to find site's URL to redirect to.

This was the error message I got when I clicked on the link. What's the name of the article?

Mrs. Stewart said...

I just tested the link and it works.

stageforlearning said...

I agree with both Nancy and Sharon. Our most successful grade levels are those where we have teachers sharing ideas with each other. We push each other to be better teachers and learn through each others mistakes and triumphs.

I like the possibility of sharing ideas and resources with fellow teachers who want what is best for their students outside of the four walls of our own school.

christine said...

I agree with what everyone has been saying. It is so important to collaborate with your fellow team mates. I am lucky to be a part of a sharing team. This is the typical scenario...Someone comes up with a simple idea. As we talk it out someone suggests a little different way...from there it snowballs into a well planned idea! We each take it back to our own classes and tweak it to fit our class. We alway reflect together about how the lesson went afterwards.
I like that a teacher from another school started a grade specific edmodo group this summer. In her words..."we will be able to work smarter...not harder!"

Sue said...

As teachers collaborate with colleagues, they become more aware of resources and gain the confidence to invoke student learning.

Cyndi said...

I also agree with the comments. I know that I get stuck on one line of thinking and need to change my POV to get the best results. I also believe that when a teacher is motivated to look for and try new ideas/strategies then their enthusiasm will translate into student motivation. I believe that much of my effectiveness as a teacher stems from my passion for learning/sharing what is meaningful to me and learning what is meaningful to my students.

Katy said...

Collaboration also allows us to share our strengths and talents. I'm thrilled that so many of my school's teachers attended this summers tech week at University High School. A number of them are not very comfortable with technology, but were enthusiastic about what they learned. I assured them that we would work together to use these great new tools. We all benefit!

Mrs. Jacobsen said...

I'm a big believer in collaboration and have been adding to our grade level specific site on the County website. However, I was limited by County lines. I couldn't share all that I had posted with other teachers on my Yahoo groups. I'm excited about Edmodo and possibility to share beyond borders.

Collaboration is also beneficial to new teachers, teachers switching grade levels and schools where grade specific classrooms are split ups (in our case buildings house 1st grade classes). I know that I reflect on my teaching more now that we collaborate. My mantra has always been "work smarter not harder."

andrews3 said...

I also agree with the comments posted so far and I can see the success of the various grade levels in my school where teacher collaboration takes place. Each member brings her ideas, resources and suggestions to the planning meeting and helps each other to carry out the various tasks. As a media specialist, I am privileged to work with a wonderful staff who often include me in their planning, which in turn, results in successful learning experiences for our students. In addition, I was excited to see the various grade-level specific groups added to Edmodo. I have learned so much from other teachers through the use of Edmodo & it was exciting to see the added groups so that we may all benefit, teachers as well as students.

Michelle Deibler said...

Collaboration is an important part of growing and learning as an educator. You find what works, and share, and when it doesn't work, you get ideas from someone who made it work! As some of the others have said, simple ideas turn into great accomplishments with collaboration.

Sue Shaw said...

At my school, departments have common planning, for the most part. Teachers with single subjects like media and art and music do not, but I am in a unique position to plan with any department when classes are not scheduled. This common planning has been the foundation for collaboration for assessments and projects.