Dropbox is a storage system tool. It gives you 2GB of FREE storage accessible anywhere and anytime you have Internet. You can even share folders with others.
Download it now http://db.tt/9PH3bUw and earn 250MB of FREE storage space in addition to your 2GB!
Have it....love it....have even set up a shared folder with Brenda Breter to store videos the students have created for potential use on ITV.
I have been using Dropbox for a year or so and have 3.2GB of storage. I use it to store all kinds of docs, pics, videos, and music. I haven't shared any folders yet, but I foresee that coming up this year!
I love Dropbox! I have already reached my limit of 8GB! We use it at school to share with other teachers and other schools. I even set it up for our Girl Scout troop. Can't live without....
I already have dropbox (from a workshop earlier this summer) and I look forward to using it!
Great tool. Why didn't I think of it? How safe is it? I always wonder if documents are stored outside my computer, someone can see them. I have downloaded it and will give it a try! :)
I have been using Dropbox for a year or so, and love it! It has simplified my life so much! I am not constantly synchronizing with flashdrives between school and home, it synchronizes by itself. I always do all my bell ringers in Dropbox (I teach many different levels), and it has made things quicker; no matter what class comes in, I am ready, even I did not have time to transfer it in the morning.
This is my first experience with Dropbox. I really feel this will be handy for me because I often forget something at home when I'm doing lessons. Now my challenge is to get into the habit of putting files into my dropbox!
I love Dropbox and tell teachers about it all the time. I love shared folders with others. It is a win for everyone!
I have heard of this and for some reason I have been wary. But I can see the potential for storing stuff in the coming weeks that students are creating in order to have them in one place. It might work better than the shared H drive in the media center. I am ready to take the plunge!
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