There are so many digital storytelling tools. Take a moment to explore these two tools and think about connections to your classroom.
Tech-tivity Week 8 Thing 21:
1. Explore Storybird and GoAnimate.
2. Add a comment on your blog about digital storymaking and how you would use it in your class. Also note any tools you might use- label your post Week 8 Thing 21
Storybird Quick Tour from Storybird on Vimeo.
Go animate Junkie Promo by clmcginn
Like it? Create your own at It's free and fun!
I think Storybird would be a great way to engage students by taking turns to create a story. The easy program would be great for my students to use on the classroom computers.
I really enjoyed creating a movie on GoAnimate which I posted on my classroom wiki. I can't wait to get more characters! This is a great way to introduce dialogue and writing plays. Thanks!
I really liked Storybird as a way to make a book fit my needs. I like to use stories to illustrate guidance topics, but often I can't find what I need. I hope to spend more time developing some resources through Storybird.
Students can use storyboard to write their own stories on the computer. They can work individually or with a group. I can see my students getting really creative with this tool. Some who are reluctant writers may find storyboard to be more fun and kid friendly. They can attach pictures to their writing to give it more of an appeal. I like it!
I am having fun with Storybird. I got into making some digital stories with xtranormal during tech week. I love having another tool I can use. I am using it to create short reminder videos and storybooks for gentle reminding on behavior. Our cafeteria uses a cup system and if the class is on yellow or red, we go back to the room to remind ourselves on appropriate behavior. I only had a powerpoint, now I have a digital story alternative so it doesn't get boring!
Wonderful tools! The text talking tool is great for Writing dialogue. The visuals can be used for all kinds of geography projects. These programs are free and on the internet. Very creative way for students to communicate.
I didn't enjoy storybirds at all. However I think Goanimate will work for my students. They can easily select one of the premade templates to type their writing. I created a wildlife animation with a cloze style poem that I split between the characters. I think students will be more motivated to write if they know they can turn it into a fun animation to share with friends.
I quick made a storybird and I can see 1st graders doing this with some modeling. i would pair them up at the computer laba nd then walk them through it with partners. The books would be so cute. I want to play with watching them on the ipad and printing them.
At the end of fourth grade our students create stories and publish them. Instead of drawing pictures and creating a book out of paper I am going to introduce them to storybird.
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