Welcome to Web 2.0!

If you are just getting started go to the Welcome Page or if you are continuing lessons welcome back! Use the Weekly Outline or blog archive for easy navigation. If you are on a roll work ahead. Feel free to email me with any questions. Be sure to scroll down to check the Q&A Meebo Chat Room often.

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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Welcome new Junkies!

Welcome to the Learning Web 2.0 course!  If you are just getting started please go read the Welcome page and the About page

Now, let's get things going!  To get started with Week 1 activities you will need to go into the blog archives on the right side menu and access the oldest post.  Feel free to contact me with any questions via email or using the Meebo chat on the right hand side of the menu.  The chat feature is only available off campus.  It will post a question directly to my personal cell and I will respond right away! 

Happy blogging and welcome to the Junkie world!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Hi, I am looking forward to learning more about the 2.0 features. I have been using edmodo for about 6 months. It is awesome for communicating with the students.