Now that you get the gist of the course, let’s get movin’ and grovin’.
Click play on the Voki (the > button).
Visit Voki for Education and bebop around the Teacher’s Corner to see how others are using Voki in the classroom. You can even watch the video on the page about how a teacher uses social media and Voki in her class. Better yet, go to the Voki blog for education for ideas and to stay abreast of new ideas and features.
You are going to have so much fun with this web 2.0 tool! It was one of my favorites when I first found it...
First, a few things about this great tool- you have to register with an email address. Make sure you read the previous post about creating a technology/general email. Voki does not offer student accounts, so you will need to register using a username, password and email address. All of your students will be using this username and password to get to My Voki.
Let's get busy with Tech-tivity 8:
1. Go to and register.
2. Explore the education site, Teacher’s Corner and Lesson Plans for help and ideas.
3. Create a Voki. Have the avatar share one idea for the classroom. Try to play with this web 2.0 tool on your own. (Note: You can use your built in Dell Laptop microphone, a podcasting headset or you can type in the avatar's comment.) If you need help here is a tutorial.
4. Embed your Voki on your blog as Week 4 Thing 8.
After you play with this tool, please think about how awesome this is for the students in your class who are camera shy or who cannot have their picture shared…GREAT STUFF!
Feel free to share any comments with the Junkies you have about this tool.
I have personally used Voki in many different ways in the classroom. It was great fluency practice and an easy center.
I have also used it as a newsletter and a welcome message on my library wiki.
You can even have Voki introduce a lesson to your student or make a mascot of your class.
Possibilities are endless...
Yes, I agree....I just introduced it to my students. We are currently doing research for writing, my students will be doing research on rain forest animals. The students will create a voki of their animals, giving us facts about their particular animal.
I tried Voki last year. It was fun and the students loved it. This year I hope to use it more.
I would like to get to the point where the students are creating there own characters and using them to reinforce their geography skills.
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